
About Us

Welcome to the e-version of the pleasant banking experience with The Gandhidham Mercantile Co-Operative Bank Ltd. I appreciate the keen interest shown by you in our bank.
As you might aware, ours is a bank with exemplary financial soundness and unmatched proven track record in terms of various parameters - Which reflects the Cooperation

During the first half of the 90’s, due to liberalization and removal of License Raaj policy, businessmen and traders of the Gandhidham complex were busy with their expansion plans. The mercantile community of the town was putting their sincere efforts and hard earned money in business to cope up with the boom and increased demands. This was the time when they strongly felt the need of a co-operative bank that can gear up their smooth financial dealings and uplift the morale of the mercantile community by standing along with them – always.

Need is the origin of creation”. True. The Gandhidham Chamber of Commerce & Industries strongly backup the will of their members. Under the leadership of late Shri Bhomrajbhai Jagani, the chamber for this mammoth task selected total 15 promoters. After completion of all the formalities, in reward of their sincere efforts and long awaited passion, the bank was registered with District Registrar and was issued a license by Reserve Bank of India during 1994-95, under name & style of “The Gandhidham Mercantile Co-Operative Bank Ltd.” Finally, the bank started the operation on auspicious day of Raam Navmi, 09.04.1995, by former chief minister of Gujarat Shri Sureshchandra Mehta being the chief guest of the opening ceremony.

The intention of sincere, long-term, clear and healthy vision of the promoters was made clear with the bank being the first co-operative bank in Gujarat, by than, fully computerized from it’s very first day of operation. The bank has not turned back since then. From “zero” in 1995, the bank has crossed commendable milestones in efficient banking and dedicated customer services. During these 26 years, the bank’s fully satisfied customer-base has crossed the 25,226 mark. The Deposits have crossed Rs.266.46 crores and Advances Rs.163.79 crores mark. Net NPA of the bank has Rs.2.65 Crores with paid up Share Capital of Rs. 10.79 crores and total Reserves above Rs. 51.12 crores, the bank is enjoying immense and exemplary solidarity and liquidity. Just to prove this, the bank’s CRAR has remained 27.77% as on 31st March 2020 – a long way ahead of 9% prescribed by RBI. Not only this, with profit of Rs. 662.15 lacks. A sizable amount, every year, is utilized in charity works of the complex. Also, the bank staff has proved it’s admirable efficiency with per employee business has been Rs. 1049.38 lacks, per employee profit Rs. 16.15 lacks during the last financial year.

The saga of success doesn’t end here. The bank is committed to provide efficient, dedicated and high-tech services to its valued clients. The banking will be an enjoyable experience with GMCB. The bank will always lead the banking of the Gandhidham complex.

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Mission & Vision

We will create and maintain a professional environment that invites the ideas of our employees, fosters the confidence of our shareholders, and exceeds the expectations of our customers. To earn the loyalty of employees, customers and the community by operating with integrity and fairness at all times and we have employees who are empowered to build long-term relationships with our customers and provide our shareholders long-term growth and an attractive return on their investment in the bank

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