Loan/Advances Interest Rates

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Loan/Advances Interest Rates W.E.F. 06/03/2023


Type of Loan/Overdraft/Cash Credit facilities Rate Of Interest
Cash Credit (against Stocks/BookDebts) 11.25%
Secured Overdraft/ Loan against Real Estate 13.00%
Social Loan & CCC/CCL (Upto Rs. 100000) 13.00%
Vehicle Loan New 10.00%
Educational Loan   8.00%
Term Loan 11.25%
Machinery Loan/MSME 11.25%
Loan to Professionals  9.50%
Working Capital Loan 11.25.00%
Solar Rooftop Loan  
Residential Purpose 9.00%
Commercial Purpose 10.00%
Industrial Purpose 10.00%
Housing Loan  
Upto Rs. 2500000/- 9.50%
Above Rs. 2500000/- 10.00%
Loan/OD/CC Processing Charges  
Upto Rs. 200000/- 250/-+GST%
Above Rs. 200000/- 0.25%+ GST%
Renewal Processing Charges above Rs.200000/- 0.10%+GST%